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    Making developer’s life easier! Build Full-stack Dapp where everything is in one place: EVM, WASM VM, Storage and REST API to the power blockchain network! Decentralized infrastructure and services.


    Power Ecosystem is the very first decentralized infrastructure, which completely solves one of the main problems of web3 world - inability to build really decentralized dApps, without centralized parts or service providers. It is Decentralized Cloud & DAO. WEB3 Cloud Infrastructure for Decentralized Full-stack Applications enabled by blockchain technology. With Power Ecosystem developers are able to deploy all parts of the full-fledged web3 app in a single decentralized environment.

    Power Ecosystem is designed to help building entire web3 world

    with full-stack dAppswith ultimate scalabilitywithout any centralized parts

    with highest level of securitywith stable economics and fixed trx price

    with fully customized chains (DeFi, DAOs, Games and so on)

    Key features

    MultiVM (EVM + WASM)Fully Decentralized Storage

    Stable tokenomics with fixed transaction priceZero-maintenancePlug&Play environment

    High customization: tech and economic options

    Value Propositions

    For Projects Develop sustainable web3 business with:

    The ability to set own tokenomics in the chainEVM-compatibility

    configurable level of decentralization

    Independence from data centers and centralized cloud providers

    Powered toolkit to build full-fledged own web3 infrastructure and dApps

    Fast and simple MVP prototyping and testingDedicated funds for ecosystem grants

    End-to-end infrastructure from development to consulting services (tokenomics modeling and so on)

    Flexible rewarding models for DAO members and contributors designed within smart contracts

    Fully customizable chains - public community & project chains and private chain

    For Developers Build real full-stack dApps with:

    Multi VM’s: Ethereum & WASM virtual machines in a single protocol

    Storage: host both frontend and NFT data in a really decentralized way without the need for Web2 Clouds

    Zero-Maintenance: web3 services do not require technical administration

    Unlimited scalability of the processing speed

    Maximum decentralization and security level thanks to peer to peer chain communication without losing the consensus of the whole network

    Power API: Designed For Everyone No special skills are required - any web developer can access the Power DCloud via REST API without need for a middleman like node provider.

    For node providers

    Earn with our node rewarding models and become a crucial member of our DAO

    Lease free resources for computing & storage. Get service payouts via smart contracts

    For token holders

    Lock tokens in nodes and chains and earn on the growth of the ecosystem


    Use our media library to find all graphics that have been created until now

    Access now!
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    2024 Scaleswap © All rigths reserved

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    Become a Member in Scaleswap!

    Join our mailing list to stay in the loop with our latest news about DeFi, NFT, Infrastructure and Gaming token offerings.
