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Launch your IDO
with Scaleswap

The Decentralised Multi-Chain Fundraising Platform







How can you apply for
an IDO tokensale on Scaleswap?


Complete the application form

Please do your best to provide complete and clear answers.


Once we receive your submission

Our analysts will begin the due-diligence process (more details below)


Within 1-2 weeks of your submission

We’ll follow up with additional information or a request for further details

Why Choose Us?

Uncompromising Values

Transparency, trust, fairness and sustainability is in our DNA. We believe that it’s an honor to accelerate the launch of the most innovative projects in the blockchain sphere, and that these projects deserve a reliable partner, a meaningful collaboration, and a foundation built for long-term success.

Loyalty by Design

We empower the average DeFi participant with guaranteed pool participation based on our sophisticated 6-dimensional loyalty scoring system.

ScaleSCORE motivates and incentivizes only the most dedicated users to acquire and hold the tokens of ALL launching projects, leading to long-term support on your journey.

Sustainability Over Hype

First generation launchpads were designed for hype markets with an approach that is not sustainable through more difficult conditions. Scaleswap supports our selected ventures with a hands-on approach, full access to all of our resources, and a lasting relationship that continues well beyond the IDO phase.

IDO Conditions

Our IDO conditions are
transparent and clear

5% flat fee based on the total IDO raise amount, paid in advance in SCA tokens (which will be burnt)

Conditions changed from 3% to 5% after the initial ramp-up phase with preferred conditions

That’s it, no hidden fees, grey schemes
or extra commissions!

What does the selection process look like?


After successfully reviewing your application and additional information, our analyst team will contact you to set up a video call with your founding team to discuss your current stage and traction, the role of token and token metrics, your business model and go-to-market strategy, core team’s expertise and other related questions


After the initial evaluation we will share our feedback about your project and suggest the next steps.

If we think that you’re a good fit for Scaleswap, we’ll proceed with final due-diligence steps.

If we determine there is not a fit, we’ll share the reasons why (we understand how frustrating it is to get rejected without knowing the reason, therefore we’ll do our best to keep you informed!).


To complete the due-diligence process, we’ll share your project information with:

The Scaleswap Investment Committee A closed circle of experienced and recognized VC’s and partners that have deep knowledge and expertise in the blockchain and crypto sector. Their opinions will be considered in the final decision.

Our community of loyal IDO backers for a community vote.


Once your project is selected for an IDO

We will have a kick off call with you to align on contractual details, preparation steps, and detailed planning for the IDO launch.


Our team will provide valuable support

In pre-IDO, IDO and post-IDO activities to ensure that your project will have a strong foundation for long-term success!


Use our media library to find all graphics that have been created until now

Access now!
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2024 Scaleswap © All rigths reserved

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