The Top 10 Essential Crypto and DeFi Apps For Beginners

Date: April 6, 2022 Category: Scaleswap top 10 crypto defi apps for beginners preview

Cryptocurrency has definitely grown over the years and as the trend continues and more people use it, it’s easy to feel left out or overwhelmed by how many protocols, wallets, and services are out there. Many of the apps can be hard to use, cumbersome, or not even available to use in a particular country. It’s important to make sure every crypto beginner can find the right services to help them on their journey.

In this guide, we will be taking a look at the Top 10 recommended applications for crypto beginners that can help to provide the best overall experience when getting started. This list ranges from exchanges, wallets, tools, and more. Although this is a top ten list, these are not in any particular order.

Let’s begin.


When choosing many of the available apps and services out there, it is vital that someone uses a wallet for the crypto needs. MetaMask is a very popular decentralized wallet that’s one of the most compatible wallets in the space. Using MetaMask helps keep your portfolio completely decentralized and keeps you in complete ownership of your coins.

One of the biggest set of benefits for MetaMask is that it is widely supported for almost every decentralized application in crypto today and used on a variety of chains involving Ethereum, Binance Chain, and more. This comes with an increased responsibility because you will need to keep your seed phrase, which is given to you when you create a wallet, and keep it safe as you are the sole custodian of your coins on creation of the wallet.


Binance and Trust Wallet

One of the most popular exchanges worldwide, Binance is one of the largest companies in the crypto space and has a variety of products including the Binance Exchange and their DeFi wallet called Trust Wallet. Their exchange is extremely easy to use and beginner friendly that requires little information to get started. In addition, they have a huge library of terms and definitions from Binance Academy to help you understand the terms you have heard before.

Trust Wallet is a decentralized wallet just like MetaMask that is under the Binance umbrella. It allows you to create a wallet using the same seed phrase method as MeteMask and also allows for Ethereum network deposit and withdrawals as well as BNB Chain supported coins.

Binance Exchange

Trust Wallet

Delta Portfolio App

Something a little different than your usual app, the Delta Portfolio App is a portfolio management system where you can keep track of all your coins. With the Delta App, you can see what your coins are worth, what exchanges they are on, and how much they have changed value since you have checked them last.

One great feature about the Delta App is that they do not have to be directly connected to your exchange and you can record transactions manually. This is great if you want to check your balance without actually connecting to an exchange if you are in an area where it’s sensitive to look at the data or you are using the public internet for example. You can use a Pro account to access more features but the free version is great for 99% of users. The Delta App is available on most smartphones.

Delta Portfolio App


Another resource tool is Coingecko which allows you to search for almost all the available coins in the crypto market. With Coingecko, you can look for coins by market cap, search by using certain categories like DeFi or privacy coins, and compare stats that can help you make a decision on your next coin purchase.

Coingecko allows you to keep up to date on all the coins with a Recently Added section and allows you to look at coins by their chain, which helps keep track of individual chain performance. Coingecko is available on the browser in a smartphone app store.



When it comes to decentralized exchanges, one of the most popular and easiest to use is Uniswap. For Uniswap, no information is needed to start using the exchange and it can be used only with a DeFi wallet such as MetaMask or Trust Wallet. You simply connect your wallet to the exchange and select the coins you wish to trade.

When using Uniswap, it’s important that you have enough gas for a transaction. Gas is the unit of measurement needed to perform a network transaction and is typically associated as a “fee” to make the trade. Most often, this gas comes in the form of ETH if you are on the Ethereum network, meaning that you need ETH already on your wallet to make a transaction.

Uniswap and Defi Wallet

One of the most KYC oriented on this list but easy to use is the suite of apps of the App and the DeFi Wallet. The app is extremely easy to use and lets you have 100s of different wallets in addition to interest features with a Crypto Earn account that lets you gain up to 12.5% interest on your USDT. In addition, they have a built-in debit card that allows you to make purchases from all over the globe using your crypto.

The DeFi Wallet lets you use a decentralized version of their app and connect to places that you would use MetaMask and Trust Wallet. They also have a feature that allows for quick transfers from your bank, quick transfers to the DeFi Wallet, and sharing money with your friends and family at lightning speed. App DeFi Wallet


Most likely known for their on-chain monitoring, Zerion is an app that is extremely useful for monitoring on-chain data and can be used for a portfolio management tool. Users can connect all their addresses from MetaMask and Trust Wallet and it will keep track of the coins that are in there, how much they are worth, and let you know if a deposit or withdrawal has been made. The Zerion app cannot take any money from the app as it is a read-only tool.

The Zerion app can support dozens of wallets across thousands of coins and now has support for NFTs. This app is available on most smartphones.

Zerion App


IDO launchpads have been one of the most popular and fastest growing trends in DeFi. Scaleswap is a new decentralized crowdfunding platform that provides fair access to early-stage token offerings; exclusive offerings that were previously only available to venture capitalists and large-scale investors.

Scaleswap’s loyalty-based scoring system levels the playing field by allowing any DeFi user, regardless of budget, to acquire tokens of highly vetted projects before they hit the market. The platform simultaneously provides the brightest and most innovative startups with the tools and resources to build anticipation for their upcoming launch, crowdsource funding, and establish a loyal and passionate community to support the long-term success of the project.


Aave Protocol

What can be a DeFi version of a money market exchange, the Aave Protocol is a dApp that allows you to lend and borrow money completely without any KYC involved. Users van add their money to the exchange and lend their ETH, USDT, or other coins and gain interest for doing so. In addition, users can borrow money from the platform as well for competitive rates.

Aave is mostly available in Ethereum but is also available in Polygon, Avalanche, Fantom, and many more with their newest release.

Aave Protocol


While Uniswap has the advantage of having a simple and easy to understand platform on the Ethereum network, AnySwap is a DeFi platform that allows you to trade from chain to chain. In other words, you can trade from USDC from Etehreum to Binance Chain for example. This is a must have application if you are trying to “bridge” coins from one chain to the other and are looking for something fast and easy to use.

AnySwap is one of the few multi-chain applications that allow for the support they have and the UI is easy to navigate for any beginner. 

AnySwap Exchange


The crypto world is a very big space and there are thousands of applications, tools, and resources available. These tools and apps are great because they show the innovation that the space has brought in so little time, but also makes it confusing for beginners as they can be overwhelmed or susceptible to security risks. Having a trusted set of applications that are safe and easy to use reduces the learning curve and helps beginners to enjoy all the benefits of this exciting new world.

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