Top NFT Marketplaces for 2022

Date: June 21, 2022 Category: Scaleswap

With all the rise and success of NFTs, it can be harder to find the right marketplace. Many marketplaces want to show you their own curated collection, different floor prices, and some collections that might not be as popular as you think. Let’s take a look at 4 different marketplaces that give you access to premium NFTs in 2022.


The Colexion marketplace is one of the biggest NFT marketplaces in Asia and represents one of the go-to sites for premium sport NFTs. In a world where creativity is fading, Colexion strives by giving artists an opportunity for growth. Working exclusively on the Polygon network, Colexion creates one-of-a-kind NFTs that can be used for NFT games and for the metaverse.

The Colexion site is powered by the CLXN token and can be used directly to buy and sell NFTs on the market. With this token you can shop NFTS within the arts, sports, and entertainment sectors which have premium licenses that are connected to real sports celebrities. For any NFT marketplace, it’s hard to get real connections with the sporting world but Colexion has done just that, making them a massive contender for NFTs today.

Visit Colexion


Originally seen as an OpenSea contender, LooksRare is an NFT marketplace that gives you rewards for listing your NFTs on the site and participating in their community. The more that you trade NFTs, the more you are likely to gain rewards through their native token. Users can look at their collections, see data, and even earn interest on their LOOKS tokens.

Visit LooksRare


When looking at NFTs across the ecosystem, NFTrade is a marketplace that gives you multiple chains under one location. Presenting the biggest number of chain integrations from any market, NFTrade is a place where users only need to search in one location and find the collections that they need. Chains like Ethereum, Avalanche, and Binance Chain are all supported in addition to features like token swaps, farms, and taking advantage of their native token NFTD. 

Visit NFTrade

Redkite NFT

One of the most dynamic on this list is Redkite NFT, a NFT hub that focuses on raising money for humanitarian and crisis projects around the world while using NFTs as a catalyst for support. NFTs on the Redkite NFT platform are specially curated and many are backed by physical copies and one-off collections that maintain their uniqueness and rarity. 

Other features of the Redkite NFT marketplace include airdrops to members, benefits for Redkite Token holders, and a virtual art gallery for collections.

Visit Redkite NFT

Origin Story

Origin Story works with creators and brands to launch NFTs and operate white label NFT marketplaces. The platform hosted 3LAU’s $11.7m NFT sale, is partnered with Roofstock for real estate NFTs, and works with web3 collections to host branded marketplaces. Some collections available on Origin Story are Pudgy Penguins, OnChainMonkey, Sappy Seals, Karafuru, 0N1 Force, and dozens more.

Visit Origin Story

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